I specialise in growing and supplying traditional,
long straw for plaiting of corn dollies and any other type of straw craft.
The straw is grown on a farm in Yoxall, in the heart of Staffordshire.
Visitors are welcome to collect their straw from the farm (by appointment only).
For mail orders I despatch your straw promptly upon receipt of payment, but please allow at least 7 days for delivery.
Bookings for Christmas straw workshops now being taken.
Contact me for further details.
For those of you who are new to straw craft, I am able to take beginners workshops at a mutually convenient time.
For details on beginners workshops during the summer holidays and ‘Christmas decorations from straw’ workshops please contact me.
As a member of The Guild of Strawcraftsmen, I recommend their website for details of events, courses, publications, and where to see straw work. (www.strawcraftsmen.co.uk)
Thank you for visiting us.
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